If you recall, last week (2008) our neighbor cut down the shade trees right over the fence. Our yard is now like the Saraha Dessert and we can see all the neighbors - and we bark at them. That has to change, so we're adding some trees to our yard.
You may have noticed that I have my collar on for this show. That's because the first thing we need to do is BUY a shade tree, and you know what THAT means...

Its time for a trip to the garden centers! Now everyone 'collar up' and head for the car!

No, we don't get to drive, though Pippin asks every time. She's got a really good sense of direction and we're pretty sure she'd be able to find the place if Mom and Dad would just ask her.

When you get to the garden center/nursery make sure you stick together. You never know when someone may show up with treats and you don't want to miss out.
Is this what we're after?
Nope, maple tree first, then hedges.
Wow, its like we're in the tree forest!
OK, that sounded kinda dumb.
What's with all the buckets? Don't trees grow in the ground? How do you piddle on these?
Here's what we want! This one right here. Its the right kind and bigger than the others
Uh, where did the tree lady go with the loud mover machine thing? How do we get our tree to the car without her help?
We better head to the front and find her.

Holy Cow! What was that? Its like a GIGANTIC iggy with huge ears!
OMG! Its coming this way! I hope it won't eat us... (the deer was just as freaked out by the pack as the pack was by the deer)

We finally find the nice lady that can bring our tree to our car. She loves us and sits down to talk with us every time we visit.

The tree is bigger than we thought we would find, and it takes up most of the back of our SUV. That means we get the rare treat of riding in the front seat with Mom and Dad.
We use this valuable time to catch a quick nap on the way home. (Luca is laying on the console, just out of the photo.)
Back in the yard for a quick stop. We're taking a little break in the grass while Mom and Dad wrestle the tree out of the back of the SUV and set it in place in the back yard.
After a drink and a roll in the grass its back into the car for us. We still have work to do.

Here we are at Garden Center #2. We've found our maple tree, but now we're on a hedge hunt.
We like our neighbor and all, but we really don't want to see him in his britches any more. Mom thinks a hedge will fix that problem.
We figure that we need to keep barking at him until he gets the idea and puts up a screen.

Zoe does Iggy PR work where ever we go. She's the most social in the group and doesn't mind introducing herself to COMPLETE strangers - as you can see here. This is where people start asking questions and Mom and Dad tell them all about us and how wonderful we are.
This is part of our job as Iggys, so you should work on getting used to doing this. People will never know how great we are if we don't let our people stop and tell others.

Hmmmm, where would I go if I were a hedge bush??

Here are the hedge bushes!
Ewww, they stink! Zoe, come here and smell this stink - its great!
Mom and Dad can come back for these tomorrow. These are pokey and we don't want them in the car with us. We need to think about our travel comfort, you know.
Lets go find Luca and Pippin and have these set aside for tomorrow.

Luca and Pippin are lost in the Greenhouses
"Oh great, where did they put the door? We'll never find our way out of this place."
We did finally find our way out of the greenhouses, but we were not allowed to sit up front like last time. Rats.

Finally, we're home! Our people will go get the hedge bushes tomorrow, but for now we need to have a meeting about our research trip and what our next steps are.
We'll have to get back to you on the tree planting part of the project. Shopping for the perfect tree is exhausting and we need a nap before we even think about coordinating THAT phase.

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