Hi, Gracie here. Today we look at my very first article on How to Eat an Ice Cube. Ice cubes are a great snack on a hot day and now that its summer and we'd all like to cool off with an ice cube or two.
The problem is that eating ice cubes is easy for humans but it can be pretty tricky if you are a tiny person, like me and the rest of our pack. Here is a handy step by step on how to tackle the job.
FIRST you need to get your mom or dad to put the cubes on the ground. I got my first one out of the water dish and that took FOREVER!
Its much easier to pick the slippery little buggers up if they're on a patio.
Now find a good spot away from everyone and make sure you lay so you can see everybody all the time.
Ice Cube stealing can be a problem on a hot day, so you want to make sure no one swipes your cube. They are hard enough to pick up without any distractions, you'll never hang on to it if someone tries to bump it out of your mouth.
Shhhhh, the secret is to carry the ice cube in the front, like this. That way no one can see that you have one.
You can carry it on the side, like a carrot, but its slick and will shoot out of your mouth when you least expect it and you'll loose it in the grass.
Also, people will steal it if you look away, so keep an eye on your ice until you figure out the eating part.

Make sure you taunt people with your ice cube, especially if you've figured out how to carry it before they do.
This is my sister Zoe. Her eating technique is to head for the shade and lick hers.

My brother Luca is really big for an IG (Italian Greyhound), so he can just lean back and chew on his whole.

Make sure you taunt people with your ice cube, especially if you've figured out how to carry it before they do.
This is my sister Zoe. Her eating technique is to head for the shade and lick hers.
It lasts longer that way, but I can't seem to get past 3 licks before I try to bite mine again.

My brother Luca is really big for an IG (Italian Greyhound), so he can just lean back and chew on his whole.
Luca mows through the ice cubes pretty quickly this way.
My sister Pippin pins hers in the grass and gnaws on it. She probably gets more grass than ice with this technique, but I'm not gonna tell her that.
Pippin is alot bigger than me and she'll lay on me if I taunt her too much.

I've tried all of these technique and this is the one that works the best for me. Throw your head back before it escapes and gnaw on it until it breaks.
You'll have to round up all the pieces of ice once it breaks, but they are alot easier to eat than the whole thing at once.
Now, go ask your people for some ice and have fun!
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